Children’s Respite Services and Family Support

Self-directed respite funding is available to qualified families caring for a child with a Developmental Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Funding is allocated for the year based on the available resources and the number of applications.  

Additional information on respite options, including forms and Independent Respite Providers available for hire, may also be found on the Elgin portion of the website

Community Living Elgin provides a variety of supports to children and young adults (ages 0-21) living with developmental disabilities and their families. Through a family-centred approach, CLE assists these individuals in utilizing community connections as they transition through life stages.

Family Support can help with planning children’s future, from school to adulthood; assisting in the coordinating of services such as parent relief, summer programs, the autism respite program, and associate family relief; providing information on available services and assisting with referrals; and assisting parents in advocating for services for their children.