Community Living Elgin – TVDSB Adult Literacy Class


The boardroom on the 2nd floor of the St. Thomas Public Library is a little livelier lately on Monday afternoons—and for a very good reason. This past Fall the boardroom transformed into an Adult Literacy classroom one afternoon every week, with five people supported by Community Living Elgin participating as learners.


This new learning opportunity and partnership between Community Living Elgin, the Thames Valley District School Board, and the St. Thomas Public Library is called Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS). In alignment with Community living Elgin’s vision to provide opportunities for people to achieve their full potential, the new LBS class is all about learning and building skills and knowledge within a positive, safe and supportive setting. Many of the participants in this class are working on goals related to employment and independent living. The new LBS class at the Library gives learners a chance to meet regularly to improve reading, writing and some numeracy skills, while working towards their individual goals.

According to the class Instructor, Trish Sinclair, “We’re all very excited about this new class at the Library. Learning as part of a group, rather than one-to-one with a tutor, requires some important skills.” Learning activities in the class also taps into skills related to things such as setting goals, using public transit, applying for a job, working with money, and of course, living successfully within the community.

For more information about this class and to register, please contact James Frame @ 519-631-9222.


Success Story – Marg and Moose